Friday, May 10, 2013

The Travel To Eastern Europe Begins!!!!

April 15th we received the long awaited call with our travel date.  After what seemed to be a very lengthy process, a huge amount of paper work for both the Home Study Agency and our Dossier  we will be traveling on Monday May 13th to Eastern Europe.  We would first like to say how much we appreciate the support and prayers from everyone.   Also we will be blogging as much during this trip as possible but we will not be able to reveal out current location until after the adoption is finalized through the court system. 
We will try to include pictures and our progress each day and we ask that you continue to keep us in your prayers as we realize we are at the mercy of the Eastern European Country’s Court and laws.  God has brought us this far and I know He will still pave the way for us but we still cherish your prayers.  So please stay tuned in the days and weeks ahead as we being the this part of the Journey.

Sincerely Rev. Ben & Kathy Dailey

1 comment:

Unknown said...

You guys will always stay in our prayers. The little guy too! Glory to God! He's bringing another one home!