Wednesday, May 15, 2013

DAP Appointment Day - Day 2.

As promised, I am beginning my blog on day two.  We arrived yesterday around 4:30 EEST after about 14 hours of flying. One thing I can tell you is that each of our flights were on time and we actually took an electic cart to make it to the gate at Chicago and then in Munich we just had to walk fast but we made that flight as well and here we are. 

Today we had our appointment with the Department of Adoptions and Processing and two of the other families that are also adopting through the same program we are.  Everything went well and we will be traveling to the region where "H" is in to meet with the Social Worker, Orphanage Director and Doctor on Friday.  We also learned the orphange he is in specializes in deaf children so this is a HUGE positive because we know he has some communications skills.  We are so very eager to meet him.  I wish it were tomorrow.

But also as amazing as God is,  many might say things were a coincidence, it is not to him.  Yesterday on our flight we happened to be seated with a young woman who was going home after spending time with her family in the States. Her husband is a Youth Minstry teacher at the Evangelical Seminary here and has many contact thoughout the country.  We will be getting with them to let them know of our location so if there is a church in that village they will be able to tell us a church in the area and a contact so we can at least attend services.  May not understand what they are saying, but Amazing Grace is Still Amazing in any language.

There is a lot of very old, and beautiful buildings, in the area and today after our appointment and while waiting on the others I just started snapping pictures.  Here is one of my favorite it is of the St. Andrews church.  Look at all of the steps leading up to this church.  I told Kathy if we had that many steps that half of our congregation would not be able to climb them. 

We were able to get a good night of sleep and rest last night and today when we got back we both took naps.  Still trying to get out bodies back on track.  Please continue to keep us in your thoughts and prayers and that God would continue to watch over us and open the necessary doors and hearts. 

May the Grace and Sprit of God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit be with you and keep you.

Rev Ben D. & Kathy J. Dailey

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