Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Day 16 of our adoption journey

Well today is Wednesday May 29, 2013 and it is 7:53 PM and the sun is still up and bright.  The guys working outside of our hotel window have been at it for over 12 hours now and they are still going strong.  It will get dark here finally around 9:00 PM or a little after but the sun comes up at between 4:00 AM and 4:30AM and they do not believe in thick curtains here so we are finding it hard to sleep after 4:30 AM.  From that point on we are just cat napping but we are still thankful to be here and to be able spend time with “H” each day. 

Today our taxi was late getting here but still we got to spent 2 ½ hours with him as we do every day which is the highlight of our day.  He is getting so excited about going with us and I will get a great satisfaction the day we finally get to take him with us.  We are praying that nothing will stand in our way and counting down the days till our court next Tuesday June 4th.  It has been a long journey but here we are now just days from our court for the adoption.  

There were many of his friends that came over when they saw us there today.  It has been kind of cool in the recent days so we tried to stay indoors with him so he would not get sick.  But for the last two days it has been so nice that we have stayed outside on the benches.  He enjoys it there and runs to them and waits for us to catch up.  I told Kathy if I continue like this I will be in great shape before the summer is over because this little guy is fast and he is learning fast.  Every day when we arrive we go over the ABC in the American Sign Language.  We then go over some of the very basic signs he will need to know to communicate to us when he is hungry, thirsty or sick or hurting.  We have also been working on the family relationship sigs like daddy, momma, brother, sister, aunt uncle, grandmother, grandfather and niece and nephew.  Also some that he will need to know about hungry, thirsty, eat, food, wash, bed, clothes and some other basic signs. As I have mentioned several times before he is a very intelligent young man and he is learning very fast.  And we are so blessed that we can be with him each day and are looking forward to that day we can finally call him our Son.

Proverbs 3:5 (KJV)
5 Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.

We need to Trust in God with ALL OUR HEARTS!!! Not 90% not 99.5% but 100% God expects nothing less.

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