Monday, August 25, 2014

Showers of Blessing

Since last Thursday we have been spending time with the children back at the school.  Not just Joy and Theodore, but all of them.  There have been times I have counted as many as 15 children with us and one day one of the teachers came in an saw them all with us and asked if we wanted them to leave.  We told her we were fine and we were okay with all of them.  We had the two Kindles we brought for Joy and Theodore, my pad and Kathy’s kindle and both of our phones with games loaded on them.  And they were all enjoying these items. 

We had to make some rules that each would play for 30 minutes and then the pad or phone would be passed to another child.  That way everyone had an opportunity to play and the older children would not take away from the younger children.  They learned very fast we meant business because if they took away from someone else we made them give it back.  So all in all everything went very well and through it I discovered something.  Christ taught it is better to give than receive, but what I have learned is that by giving you do receive.  

Let me explain, as we sat there watching the children the past three plus weeks we have seen what a great joy these devices have been bringing them.  I mean they take these devices and they find the games and within a few minutes they have mastered it.  They are all so intelligent and gifted in so many ways and we get the privilege of seeing the joy and wonder on their faces.  So the next time you find an opportunity to practice the words of Christ remember you receive when you give.  It is kind of like paying it forward.

Like today we bought things to take to the school for a party.  We took some cookies, candy, chips, fruit, bread and Nutella, which was a huge number one home run score with all of the children.  They had a ball I wish you could have seen them all they truly loved it.  This was our farewell party for them and saying good bye to Joy and Theodore for 6 or more weeks.  It was so hard to say good bye, there we were all four of us hugged up together crying and so saddened and our hearts heavy for the love we have for these two children, and all of the others.  Joy’s heart was broken and she cried too, I know Theodore wanted to but he did not want to in front of the other boys. 

Our driver we have had for the last week has just been wonderful.  He has been here each morning right on time and he is waiting for us when it is time for us to leave.  He is just amazed how all of the children look for us and come out to greet us each day and he has been telling his family.  So today as we left with our hearts heavy and eyes full of tears his niece was with him and spoke English very well, (another blessing).  She told us her mother and grandmother wanted us to come and have lunch in their cafe.  Let me tell you when GOD pours out the blessings he Showers them down with people like our driver, his niece his sister and his mother.   God knew we would needed these people right then and he sent them just when our hearts and our spirit needed it most.

There shall be showers of blessing, and today by giving we received such a wonder blessing from the kindness of new found friends and a wonderful meal.  It was Sowers of blessings we needed right then sent at the right time and on us the blessings did fall.  

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