I is with GREAT JOY that I can finally say that “H” is now a part of our family. We were able to get the court decree take it across country and get his birth certificate changed. Once we had the birth certificate updated we were able to get all of his other documents corrected with his adopted name. This all had to be done in the city where he was born and from where he as in the facility it was on the other side of the country. We had to take a 5 hour car ride to the capital city where we took a train to the city where he was born. This was a 12 hour train ride but we were able to lay down to sleep. After we got all of the documents updated we took a train back to the capital city but this train was much faster and it only took us 8 hours to get back.
On Thursday June 27th we had everything we needed and we took it to the court got our release paper and took this to the facility and was able to leave with our Son, Charles Pasha Dailey. For those who are family members you will understand why we gave him the name of Charles. You see that my Dad’s youngest brother was deaf and we loved him very much. When we told him we were trying to adopt this young man who was deaf he was very happy and excited. I would have loved for them to have known each other but God took my uncle Edward home last year so in his honor I used gave Pasha his first name and kept his other name. Ok on with the story, we left there drove 3 hours to the capital of this region and applied for his passport. We were hoping to meet with the US Embassy and get his medical done but the earliest we can get that done is July 8th. We have also been told that no passports were begin issued but actually none were being printed, but I understand they are going to start printing them again next week. Please pray that God will open the doors that would allow us to travel home as soon as we can.
After we got all of the paper work completed we went to the home of some friend who are missionaries and have been staying with them and it has been wonderful because now only do they speak the language here but he and his wife are also certified interpreters for the deaf here as well as ASL in the United states. And this has been good for us because they are helping us communicate with Pasha that he has to obey us and when we are outside he MUST stay by our side and hold to our hand. He cannot run ahead there is traffic here that he has not been accustom to so he MUST OBEY us and not run everywhere so that no harm comes to him. However today on the playground he disobeyed his Momma and we gave him a time out when they got back to the apartment and also took his pad away for 2 hours.
Kathy and I feel so honored that God somewhere in time chose us to be the parents of this wonderful young man. We have just been so overwhelmed with the Grace of God and his wonderful mercy he has shown us as we have been here in the EE country for this adoption journey. He has put so many people in our lives to help and to guide us in this journey to become the parents of this wonderful and fantastic young man. He is so anxious to get home and me his sisters and brothers and all of his nephews, nieces, aunts, uncles, cousins and grandparents. He keeps asking us when we are going to fly home we are trying to communicate to him that is could be a couple of weeks before we can travel home. So we are asking you to please join us in prayer that God would open the Door and allow us to return home next week if it is his will.
I will continue to this blog each day when possible, the missionaries we are staying with have a Church and Daniel is the Pastor there. As God has done many times in the recent weeks the night we arrived I was able to go with Daniel to a Bible study he was conducting at the church. It is a small church but their members are faithful. Please lift them up in prayer and ask that God to bless them in a mighty way and help their small congregation to Grow. There is a large Baptist church here in the city and If God allows I want to visit them once before we leave. But if not we have at least had this opportunity to be with fellow Christians brothers and sisters and are enjoying their hospitality greatly. TO GOD BE THE GLORY GREAT THINGS HE HAS DONE!!!
Saturday, June 29, 2013
Monday, June 24, 2013
Day 42 of our adoption journey
Thought for the day “The Lord with
fight for you: all you have to do is stand still.” The LORD shall fight for you, and ye shall
hold your peace (Exodus 14:14 KJV).
I would like to begin by saying to
those who have been following our Blog every day for the next few days I will
not be able to make my daily post because we are going to be on the run getting
paper work together. We have to get
paperwork here tomorrow and then travel across the country, literally to the
city where “H” was born and get some of his documents updated. Then we make the track back here with the
updated documents and for more paper work so we can finally have our GOTCHA
date!!!! “H” is looking forward to it and I was able to communicate this to him
and he understands that we will not be visiting him Tuesday or Wednesday but
when we come back on Thursday we will be taking him with us. And he wanted to make sure I remembered to
bring his new pants, shirts and shoes.
You see we bought “H” some new
clothes before we came hoping we had the size correct. So after court we took a pair of the pants
with us and tried them on him and they fit great. We have since purchased him 4 additional
summer outfits. And “H” remembered and told me not to forget
them, I have them ready in a small backpack that we have purchased for him so
he can be like Daddy and carry his NABI Pad like Daddy carries his. And he will have it with him on the train and
we also purchased an EE USB charger adapter that we can use on the train to recharge
his PAD when he runs it down. Now the only
problem is he has really taken a liking to Daddy’s PAD and has been playing with
it when he could. So I am going to have
to hold him back from mine as much as I can.
Yesterday I did what the Scriptures
teaches and I rested on the Holy Day.
Here in EE yesterday was the celebration of the Pentecost which is the
day the Holy Spirit descended on the Apostles.
As I looked outside from our hotel window I told Kathy this had to be
the quietest day I have seen in the 38 days we have been here. But today things are getting back to the
normal schedule and tomorrow they will be back in full swing. And as for us and our adoption and our
spiritual journey, we ask that each of you pray for our safety as we will be
doing quite a bit of traveling this week.
We are hoping we can get done what we are hoping and maybe move on to
the US Embassy next week where we are praying we can possibly get to travel
home toward the end of the week. This is
our prayer and we ask that you pray with us for this.
Saturday, June 22, 2013
Day 40 of our adoption journey
Wow 40 days we have been in EE,
same amount of days it rained when Noah was in the Ark and 40 days that Christ
was in the wilderness being tempted.
Seems like a long time and we are getting so ready to go home but we
still have paper work that we have to get completed before that can
happen. “H” today had one of those
Eureka moments today when he realized he could do the count down on one
hand. That is correct we only have 5
days provided nothing happens until we can get him and take him with us as we
begin the last leg of the adoption journey to bring “H” home.
As I have said before and I will
say it again today, God has been teaching me so much about Himself and my
relation to him and also more about the Redemption of my sins through the
shedding of the blood our paschal lamb, Jesus Christ the only begotten Son
of God. You see as we saw a picture “H” a couple
of years ago and we fell in love with him then, we began to pursue him and finally the day came when we were
introduced. The joy that filled our
hearts as we stood there that day with “H” for the first time I shall never
forget it. Then the time came when we
offered an invitation to “H” to be a part of our family. This was a decision he had to make all by
himself and no one else could do that, and when he said he wanted us to be his Momma and Daddy
I will tell you our hearts just filled with great joy! This is the same thing that happened with me
one day, God sought me out and gave me an invitation because he loved me that
much. But I had to make a decision just
like “H” did that day I had to make a choice and no one else could make the decision
for me I had to make it on my own. And
when I said yes there was such great joy in heaven the angels rejoiced and
celebrated in the presence of God because one who was lost had come home.
Again today I first sat and talked
with “H”, oh believe you me he wanted to play on his NABI but I held on and
told him we would talk first and then he could play. You see we know him and we love him, but that
is not enough. We want to KNOW him and
we want him to KNOW us and how is this done?
By communicating with him, many times as we are communicating with
him I see his eyes began to wonder, but again this is because his eyes is how
he sees and basically, in his way, hears the world, so I have to bring him back
into focus. What is so very scary in
this aspect he is just like his Daddy, I have to constantly work at keeping my
mind on what I am doing and not let my attention get drawn away. It is not always easy but God has been
helping with it and I am getting much better.
However there are times I tend to be a workaholic because I am trying to
focus on what I am doing. Now I get so
focused on what I am working on or studying that I lose all track of time and finally
look up and see the time then I am usually running late for something else so
now I have to find a way to balance this. Just as I will with “H” because I see
things in him already that remind me of myself and his brother. And I just know the two of them are going to
be two peas in a pod and their Momma and I will have to keep an eye on the two
of them.
Our Picture of the Day
Day 40 picture of the day, on the bench out side the camp snack shop. |
Friday, June 21, 2013
Day 39 of our adoption journey
First of all let me begin by saying
Happy SUMMER, yes today is the Summer Solstice which is the longest day of the
year, for daylight that is. And in 6
more months we will have the winter Solstice which will be the longest night,
for darkness and then a few days after that will be Christmas. Okay now that I have that tidbit of trivia put
in let us now move right along to our the blog.
The one thing that Kathy nor I have
been able to get acclimated to is the fact the sun does not set until almost
10:00 PM and it comes up about 4:20 AM. At least once and sometimes two days a week our bodies finally just fall
asleep out of pure exhaustion. But that
is just some of the minor inconveniences we know we can deal with because
quite honestly I would be completely embarrassed if I were to complain to the people
here. I had been told some horror
stories about this EE but what we have found has been quite the
opposite. We have met some of the nicest
people here and very helpful as well.
All we have to do is just let them know we speak very of their language
and that we are English and they are very glad to help us. And every time I have walked to the market I have never done so in fear and neither has there been an incidence that has caused me to fear, other than some of the taxi drivers, which is another story for another day.
In my devotion today the scriptures of 2 Corinthians 6:14-18 tells us to come out from the world and be a separate
people. This stood out to me because I
have been praying each day we have been here, and even before that, that I could
live a life so strong in Christ the world would be able to see him in my
life. We are to work on mirroring the image
of Christ not just on Sunday but every day. We can never obtain perfection but we can
strive for it, we can strive to be as Christ like as we possibly can. I pray that these people whose culture is so
deeply rooted in the Christian faith can see Christ living in us and know we
are Children of God. Because we are trying
to live the scriptures “Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate,
saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you” (2 Cor
6:17 KJV).
Again today we had a great day with
“H”. He really enjoys his NABI PAD but it can
get in the way of us communicating with him so today I kept it in my back pack until we had some time to talk just one on one. I wanted
to know about his day, and what he ate for Breakfast and Lunch. Come to find out he had
so love to have a big huge greasy juicy HAMBURGER right now, I do mean cholesterol
between two buns of bread all the way, the work! That is something I have missed here, we
have found pizza and it was good, different but it was very delicious! And the food here is absolutely WONDERFUL the
cook at the restaurant is a very good cook and we have enjoyed trying many of
the wonder dishes on the menu. We have
settled on some of our favorites that we choose more frequently but a Hamburger right now would just be an added bonus.
Now back to “H”. I talked with him today and let him know we
would be back Saturday, Sunday and Monday but we would not be able to come on
Tuesday or Wednesday. However on Thursday
if all goes well when we come back to the camp it will be to GET HIM and begin
the final part of the journey that will eventually allow us to take our son and
go HOME. It has been a long journey but
we have been blessed beyond measure. We
ask that each of you please pray that we will be able to travel home the week
of the 4th so we can be back at home in our Church, reunited with
our family and friends. Until then “TO
Picture of the Day
Picture of the Day
Thursday, June 20, 2013
Day 38 of our adoption journey
As of today we have only have 5
days left until we can pick up the adoption decree and begin the process of
getting documents chased down and changed so we can get “H” next Thursday. He is counting down the days and tells us
every day how many days left till he can finally leave with us and begin our
journey home. We also have to
communicate to him so he will understand that we will not be there two days
next week but when we do come back we will pick him up and take him with
us. The bittersweet is there are so many
other children at the facility we have grown so fond of; however there is one
little boy in particular and he is “H” best friend. Each day we are with “H” we see more of his personality
and that wonderful sense of humor and last but not least the little light that
shines in his eye when he is happy or laughing. That wonderful smile of his and it seems
that all the children in his facility really like him and he does them.
I never doubted that it was God
that guided me to a picture of a little boy one day on the internet and from
the time I first saw those eyes and that face, I fell in love. And still there are times I see that same
face looking up at me with love and my heart just fills with complete joy. And don’t even mention what he has done to
his momma’s heart, she is totally in love with this young man. I can see the momma look every time she sees
him and when he gives her hugs. But at
the same time I see how it tears her heart out like it does mine when we have
to leave him. In the process of all of
this God is showing me things I would not have even understood or comprehended
before about how he loved us. How he adopts
those into his kingdom who are not of his chosen people, how he chooses us but
in return we must accept him as our Heavenly father and His Son as our personal
savior. Because Christ his son taught us
that he came to seek and to save that which was lost. He is still working on me every day and pray
he does not cease from his work, leadership, guidance and his teaching.
As I have mentioned before I have
told Kathy that it is going to keep us in shape trying to keep up with “H” because
he is very fast. I have been telling him
that we get to the big city he cannot be running ahead like that and he will
need to keep a hold of our hands. I have
been stressing the dangers of the city with all of the traffic and the people
there and that he will need to hold to our hands at all times or walk very
close to our side. This I am working on
right now so he will understand better when we leave the facility he has called
home for the past four or five years. He
loves to take the digital camera every day and take pictures, I have been
trying to get him to understand how it is done, he is getting better but still
has not grasped the concept of small press and the final press to click. He just puts his finger on the button and
presses until it finally takes a picture.
But he enjoys it so we just let him go with it. He has taken some very interesting pictures
and also he loves taking pictures of himself.
We get so tickled watching him trying to take pictures of himself and the
likes making faces in the pictures. I am
telling you seeing the world through his eyes is so refreshing for us.
We have been talking this week and
I said to Kathy a couple of days ago you know it going to be exciting watching
him experience things that he would not have otherwise been able to see. And I told her I can’t wait for him to see
the mountains I know that trigger happy camera nut is going to use up every bit
of my 4gb card probably the first day.
But hey I want to see his face experience these things, I want him to
enjoy life and experience it and I want to be the one praying with him each day
and teaching him of the love of Christ.
Not just me but his momma as well because that is what we are supposed
to do and I am praying that as we begin to learn to communicate with “H” better
that God would allow us to use these gifts to reach others who are hearing
impaired or deaf.
Wednesday, June 19, 2013
Day 37 of our adoption journey
I have been thinking about
something since our visit with “H” yesterday.
When we arrived “H” came running to me hugged my neck and took my hand
and held it ever so tightly and stayed as close to me as he could. We then learned that he and his best friend
had been fighting and we still cannot figure out why and “H” is not wanting to
talk about it. What occurred to me about him doing that is he came to me for
protection, and to me that spoke volumes to me saying I have enough trust in my
Daddy to protect me. We did have him
apologize and we talked with him and told him he needed to be good and not
fight with his best friend because they would only have another week to be
together. Kathy and I are praying that
it is not some type of jealousy issue because “H” has parents who come to see
him every day.
There reason for this suspicion is
right after we started visiting “H” every day the two of them were together one
day and ask us if we would take him too.
How do you answer that question?
If I had the means and the paperwork you had better believe that I would
have pushed to get him as well because they are such good friends and have been
together a long time. We would have
taken as many as we could because they are all great children and we have grown
fond of them and enjoy their company each time we are with them. It is a good thing God always has everything necessary
when he receives another child into the Kingdom of God. Please pray for these children that God would
give each one of them a good home but most importantly they will come to know
Him as their heavenly Father and Jesus his son as their Saviour.
Again today “H” showed us how many
days. Can you believe it 11 days until
we can get him and begin the part of the journey that will take us home? We are ready to go home because we are
missing our church and family more each day.
But we know God has brought us on this journey and we want to do His
will above all. Just as Christ said in
the garden the night he prayed, not my will but thine be done. That is what we all need to do is the will of
God. Please pray for us as we continue
this adoption journey because things are constantly changing here in the
adoption requirements and also there are 3 holidays coming up in the next two
Tuesday, June 18, 2013
Day 36 of our adoption journey
It was one week ago today we had
our final adoption court hearing, we are just in the mandatory waiting period before
we can pick up the paper work and start getting things done to go home. We are counting down the days until we can
finally take “H” from the facility and begin the process of getting paper work
done with the U.S. Embassy so we and “H” can finally go home. That little guy sure does have his Daddy and
his Momma wrapped. I told Kathy today
you know we are going to have to be careful or we are going to spoil this young
man absolutely rotten. Momma’s reply is
well spoiling in moderation is ok, and I have to agree. We can discipline our children but they are
blessings and this young man has not had the love of a momma and daddy that he
has needed so we have much lost time to make up for.
Each day we are with him he reminds
us of how many days until we can take him and start for home. Also we have already began the process of
showing him pictures of his brothers and sisters, brother and sister in laws
and the names of each of his nephews and nieces. Also we have been showing him pictures of his
aunts, uncles and cousins and his MawMaw and his PawPaw. We have given each of his siblings, in laws and
his nephew and nieces each a sign that he remembers when we show him a picture
of them. Each day that passes now we
know we are closer to the day we can go and get him and begin the journey that
will finally take us home.
That is the same thing we as
children of God do, we know the day is coming when Christ will return and take
us home to be with him. Except we don’t
know the day or the hour but we are to always be watchful just as “H” is doing
with us. Each day he looks for us and
when our little guy sees his Momma and Daddy he comes running and I get down on
my knee and open my arms wide getting ready to receive my son into my arms of Love. That is how God does me when I run to him, he
gets down on his knee and opens his arms ready to receive me and give me a great
be hug. Why? “For God so loved the world,
that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not
perish, but have everlasting life” (John 3:16 KJV). He
sacrificed more so that you and I could have everlasting
“H” it won’t me long now, just hang
on my son a few more days until momma and daddy comes to get you so we can
begin our journey home. I can’t wait to
get you home and let you meet your family and all of those who have helped make
this possible.
Our picture of the day.
Monday, June 17, 2013
Day 35 of our adoption journey.
This morning I made my track back to the market area
to purchase more water. Also last Friday
when we bought the balls we also purchased a chess, backgammon and checker
board set that was left out of our bags.
When I walked into the store this morning the woman met me with the
board. I guess the other lady described
me quite well because she knew me. I
told Kathy I was probably described as the white headed overweight American. Hey you have to laugh about it because it is
true, over the past 5 years I have put on a good bit of weight because all I
was doing was sitting either at work or at home studying and not getting much
physical exercise or doing any major physical activities.
I can handle this in many ways, I could take offense
like a lot of people would or I can laugh with them. I choose to laugh. Why? Because
laughter is good medicine, like our momma’s taught us when they would say “Laughter
is the best medicine.” I remember something
that was said in a movie I watched a couple of years ago about the Amish
community where the young girls were shot and killed. The movie told how the Amish people tried to
keep anger and hatred out of their heart because they teach that this destroys
a person and fills them with so much darkness nothing good can live there. Well we can allow that to happen to us or we
can learn to laugh with the world and you know what happens when we do? Others realize you can laugh about it the
jokes and pun all of a sudden subside.
But if we retaliate in anger then the game is on and you will face absolute
torment from others. Or they will just
ignore you like you have the plague or something really bad and
St. Peter wrote “Whom
having not seen, ye love; in whom, though now ye see him not, yet believing, ye rejoice with joy
unspeakable and full of glory” (1 Peter 1:8 KJV). No I have not seen God nor Christ but I know
they live in me because I have felt them living inside. And because of this I have GREAT JOY and love
to laugh when God defeats my enemies or removes my stumbling blocks and makes
them stepping stones. When I see others sit
there in disbelief or kind of stunned when I tell them what God has done for me
and others I just can’t help but get filled with laughter because I have the
Joy, Joy, Joy, Joy, down in my heart to stay.
Today we had another
wonderful visit with “H”. We played
dominoes again today with him and every time he would win, that little feller
would just laugh that infectious laugh of his.
And he has one of those laughs that is from way down deep and you just
can’t help but laugh with him. After
that we continued working with him on currency and again the teacher at the
counter helped us. We gave him coins
today along with a couple of 1’s and she helped him understand what he needed
to give her to purchase his snack. Her
help and guidance has been so welcomed by us and we are truly blessed by all of
the people God has placed in our paths. And
I do mean everywhere, and it started when we began our journey, God putting
people in our paths that helped us at the airport with security telling us what
we needed to do. To God seating us with a young woman whose husband is a
professor in a seminary located here telling us some of the wonderful food
names and we are planning on meeting with them again when we head back north
week after next. Then the missionaries
we met a couple of weeks ago at “H” facility.
We are hoping to spend time with them next weekend. We are looking forward to attending service
with them. Kathy told me she may not
understand a single word but where two or three are gathered together in His
name, He will be in the midst of them.
Amazing Grace is still Amazing in any language.
Sunday, June 16, 2013
Day 34 of our adoption journey
When God gave Moses the Ten
Commandments the first four are about how man is to honor, love and serve God
and the last six deal with how men are to respect and love one another. One of these six have been looked over many
times and it is the only commandment with a promise. “Honour thy father and thy
mother: that thy days may be long upon the land which the Lord thy God giveth
thee” (Exodus 20:12 KJV). Now what this
means is we should honor our parents, grandparents and even our great
grandparents. How? By not bringing shame
on them, we need to remember the teachings of these people that have help mold
our lives. We need to remember the HARD work
many of them did to ensure the survival of their families and the values and
morals they lived by and taught. So today
I pray that you will remember not only your fathers and mothers but also your
parentage and live up to the standards by which they lived and taught.
Today I cannot tell my father happy
father’s day, but he is in my thoughts every day. As I sat today with “H” and I looked at him I
thought to myself, he will never know what a good man my father was unless I
tell him. Just as I plan on telling and
teaching him about my Heavenly Father because I really want “H” to know who God
is and what a great sacrifice God and His Son Jesus Christ made for us because
of the love they have for us. What a
great and awesome love that is, and as a father this is one of my responsibilities,
to ensure my family knows who God is and they are always serving Him in the
Church, at home and in the world. But we
must be like Jesus and lead and teach by example. Remember the little ones are watching you and
they observe more than you want to admit.
If you don’t believe me just think back to your childhood and remember
the things you observed in your parents and how much of that is still reflected
in you.
I can remember as child and a hard
headed teenager, I will never by like my dad, but you know what I am. And as time goes on, I am becoming more and
more like him and there are even times I will say something and it catches me
so off guard because the words I am saying and hearing are the exact words of
my dad. I am a product of his upbringing
and teaching and I remember from a very early age when there was a work day at
church my dad would take us boys with him and he taught us to work in and for
the church. He and momma sacrificed a
lot to make sure most of us had piano lessons so we could serve in the
church. And today because of that three
churches in our community are benefiting from those sacrifices. Just as today my son was using his God given
talent in his church to help others worship God and that makes me one proud
dad. I know my Son-in-Law had my
daughter and their children in church today and that gives me great
consolation. My other Son I call him, he
is actually my nephew is usually in church on Sunday and also his sister, (another
one we call daughter) and her husband are in church near their home. It gives Kathy and me great satisfaction knowing
this and our prayer for all six of our sons (four sons and two son-in-laws) is
they will always be the Spiritual leader of their families that God has
commanded them to be. And finally that
they will teach their children to honor them and their parentage and live in
the morals and truths of Gods word as their fathers before them have.
Our time each day with “H” is so
wonderful and I look at this young man and I say to Kathy, “You had better get
in shape if you are going to keep up with this one.” I am not kidding about that, this young man
only knows one speed and that is wide open.
He has so much energy and is so full of life and humor. Today as he was playing a game on his pad,
when he would win he would yell in delight!
It is so wonderful to see him happy because that is what we want, we
want him to be happy! We let him play
most of the time today, why you ask? Well
it is because he got every one of his letters correct today and we did not even
have to help him. Also he was able to do
all of his numbers and we have been working with him at camp to understand
currency. Many of the workers at the
camp are teachers in this small town and they see what we are doing and they
are helping us. We want him to be able
to buy a snack all by himself with the money we allot him each day. I think he began to understand today and the
teacher at the counter really helped because she made him ask for what he
wanted and pay for it and tell her how much she needed to give him back. Again another person God has put in our path
to guide us and help us learn how to help “H”.
I spent Father day with our new son, but we were with all of our children in
spirit and they were and will always be in our hearts. We love you ALL!!!!
Saturday, June 15, 2013
Day 33 of our adoption journey
In his writings to the Corinthians,
Paul stated “And now these three remain:
faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love” (1 Corinthians
13:13 NIV). Do you realize you can love in so many ways
but not just any love? The love I am
referring to is the love that passes all understanding, it is the love of
Christ that we can show to one another.
Yesterday as we went to visit “H” at camp, we purchased a huge 6 liter
container of water to take and some small cups.
The teacher with them was so excited and we told her we would try to
bring one every day because the only water there is the water taste like sprite
with no favoring or sweetener added.
Also we asked if there was anything they needed and as she made out a
list she and one of the older girls helped us understand all of the items they
needed. Also they told us they did not
have any thing for the children to play with.
Ok now with list in hand Kathy and I headed to the market area this
morning to find these items. We found
games and balls for them to play with and we purchased them a badminton set. We also found a dart board the younger guys
can play indoors when it is raining (don’t worry momma’s it was the felt and Velcro
type). We got to balls that can be used
for soccer or volley ball and a basketball.
These children were so excited you would have thought it was Christmas
morning. You see what we are discovering
here, just a little kindness goes a long way.
People can be reached when you begin with kindness and show them Jesus
through your actions. Many times we have
wondered; what can I do that can make a difference? This is how, find some way to show Jesus, in
a kind word, a ball for children to play with or even in their case today a
bottle of shampoo.
We also learned yesterday that 5 of the young boys including “H” did not
have a tooth brush so we bought 5 tooth brushes and 2 tubes of paste. While they were all thanking us I have to
give all of the credit to God and His Son, Jesus who are constantly teaching me
how to love more and more each day. Just
like the shoes a couple of days ago that were too small for “H” and we told the
teacher to please give them to one of the smaller children who might need them. We can find ways to help the fatherless,
widows, poor, sick, tired, hungry and the lost.
Study the New Testament in the Gospels and you will see how Jesus taught
by example. Examples we need to follow,
it is easy to sit on a padded pew in church and say Christians needs to do something
but step out the door and we totally forget. God is not pleased with this. If you can talk the talk can you walk the
walk? If so, are you, if not, why
Today we had another wonderful day with “H” and the other children with
him at camp. They are all just wonderful
and if I could I would bring them all home with me. There are two of the older girls that have
the true spirit of a mother already in them.
They help watch after the younger children and to see them interacting
with them you can tell they are going to be wonderful mothers someday. “H” is reminding us every day how many days
left until we get him and start our journey home. He is getting so excited and as much as I am
looking forward to going home I believe he is more excited than Kathy or me.
One thing I have been doing a lot of since we have been here is walking,
because it is just the way of life here.
They walk everywhere, if they need to go to the market they will either
walk, or ride a bicycle if they have one.
Oh there are automobiles here and many have them but for those who don’t
walking is the mode of transportation.
Today after our visit we learned the bus was not running today so I had
to make a hike out from the camp about 1 mile to call a taxi. And something occurred to me, I was able to
walk it and it did not cause my calves to cramp up or my legs to hurt. Not only that I did not give out of breath
doing it. Oh yes I worked up a sweat but
I was able to do it there and back and get this I beat the taxi back to the
camp. Just as I arrived I got a drink
of water and turned around and there he was.
How about that, God is helping this old, overweight American get in
shape. Now is that not just how good our
God is? He helps us take care of these
bodies when we don’t even realize it!
Picture of the day.
Friday, June 14, 2013
Day 32 of our adoption journey
Can not believe we have been in
country now for 32 days but as I reflect back there were a couple of weeks that
time just seemed to drag by. But the
rest of the time it has just been passing extremely fast. It was one month ago today we boarded the
first Air plane that would start us on our journey. We stopped a few blocks away from the airport
so we could say our farewells to our children and grandchildren. And then this incredibly amazing journey began
and we are still finding Gods goodness amazing. Also everywhere we have been so far there have
been the most incredible people God brought into our lives.
Right now to get to the summer camp
“H” is attending we take a taxi there so we can be there right after his
lunch. The camp is just outside the
village where we are staying so we only have to have one taxi now each day and
we take the bus back to the village and best of all it is free. But the people on the bus are so kind and
friendly. One woman in particular is the
comedian of the bunch and she keeps everybody in stiches including us. Everything she says she does with a smile
which is just infectious and as always she is watching out for us, all of them
are when they learned why we are there and that “H” is now our son. Also this same young lady as I started to say
has been looking out for us and tells the driver where to let us off so we are
closer to the hotel.
Today we helped “H” learn his new
name and he practiced writing it in English.
Daddy has also been trying to learn his language so I wrote his name in
his language so we are both learning. And he had taken a huge liking to the digital
camera. Bless his heart he just keep
pushing and pushing the button and about 1 out of every 5 pushes he actually
takes a picture. I have been trying to
teach him how to do it the correct way but he has not grasped the technique yet
but he will because as I had said many times before he is smart. While “H” is learning Dad and Momma have
learned a few words that have helped us survive here. The food here is absolutely wonderful. While the meat choices are limited to pork
and chicken, we have learned a variety of dishes prepared from each that we can
now have a good variety each day. The
salads here are great, mainly tomatoes, cucumbers and red bell peppers with a vinaigrette
dressing that we have one of each day.
When the people here learn we are
from America they just look at us and watch us.
They are very friendly about it and we don’t mind, if the truth be known
we do the same thing at times. But at
the camp the children are so amazed with us and a couple of nights ago I told Kathy
I wonder if they are amazed at us because 1) we are Americans 2) Over weight or
3) Old. I told her I sure am hoping it
is 1) because we are Americans but I have a strong suspicion it is because we
are overweight and probably the largest of the human species they have ever
seen. And there have been a few time
while in the taxi as we would pass the place where the taxi drivers hang out
they would blew their horn. Kathy said
that must be the signal that they have the crazy huge Americans in their automobile. Hey if we can bring some laughter to their
day we do not mind.
The Psalmist wrote “Delight thyself also in the LORD; and he
shall give thee the desires of thine heart” (Psalms 37:4 KJV). God does
not want us to be stiff lipped children, he wants us to take delight in serving
him doing the work he called us to do.
He wants his children to have a cheerful heart and to spread that cheer
to others. I have seen to many people
try to be such devoted children of God and somewhere along the way someone must
have told them that if they laugh smile or have fun God might punish them. So evidently they failed to read this verse,
and “Likewise, I
say unto you, there is joy in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner
that repenteth” (Luke 15:10 KJV). Did you see it, THERE IS GREAT
JOY IN THE PRESENCE of the angels of GOD?
So if God and his angels take Joy and Delight we are to do the same.
Thursday, June 13, 2013
Day 31 of our adoption journey
Yesterday was another day when we
got back to the hotel we were just completely exhausted, the kids are now at a
camp which is just outside of the town we are currently in. Today we when we arrived we just had some fun
playing with all the children. There are
children here from all over and they are so fascinated with the Americans. We are trying to figure out if they are fascinated
because we are one of the three: 1) Americans, 2) Overweight, 3) old. We are hoping it is just number 1. But they are all so wonderful.
This morning as we sat drinking our
morning cup of coffee, we were listening to several of our favorite Southern
Gospel groups. And the McKameys started
it out with “Prayer Changes Things,” followed up by the Primitive’s. Now for me anything those boy’s sing is just
fine with me, but there are a couple that really touch me and “We Are So
Blessed,” “Walking in the Highway,” and finally “God’s only Son.” The last one has a line in it that I really like,
“Well who can it be that speaks in a voice I understand, it’s God’s only son
the Prince of Peace.” I really like that
because he speaks sweet peace to men and when he speaks the storms of life are
Today we had another GREAT time
with “H”. We purchased some outfits for
him before we left hoping they would fit.
Today he tried on the pants and they fit GREAT, the shoes we donated to
the facility for another child to use. Each
day we are with “H” now he reminds me of how many days left until we can get
him and start our journey home. That
tells us just how excited he is to finally see his new home and Momma and Daddy
are also missing it quite a lot as well.
Today we have been here for 31 days.
Was hoping to have been about ready to travel home but right now we are
1 ½ weeks behind the others who came with us.
This afternoon when Kathy and I
arrived back in town we purchased “H” another pair of shoes that are
bigger. The ones we just purchased fit
but were very tight. Also we met a young
man who is a camp counselor and a teacher in the village where we are staying right
now. He told us of a pizza place that is
right outside the Train Depot. So today
when we got off of the bus, we made our way to pizza place. Please believe me when I tell you it was
absolutely wonderful. And for a whole
pizza and a large soft drink our bill in US currency came to $5.91. CAN YOU BELIEVE THAT!!!! Again God placed someone in our path to help
us along the way, so please don’t think it is just a chance meeting, if you are
a child of God nothing is by chance it is always a meeting through God’s divine
will and intervention.
Our picture of the day.
This is the picture of our Pizza tonight and it was WONDERFUL!!!
Tuesday, June 11, 2013
Day 29 of our adoption journey
Last night was a very restless one for
us, because our final court for the adoption was today. Each time I would awaken I would pray and
last night before we went to bed we got to listen to Ken Davis’ video on Just
Live. And there was a statement he made
in the video that caught my attention he said, “Those who have faith are those
who have moved through doubt to faith.”
WOW that was for me, so all through the night I continued to pray for God
to let me not lose faith, over and over.
This morning when I got up there was a song that came to my mind. I know it was the spirit of God because the
title of it is “YOUR CRIES HAVE AWOKEN THE MASTER” and the chorus goes like
Let me just tell you that is
exactly how I felt this morning, that I had cried all night long in prayer with
God. And this morning I had my devotion
and I knelt in prayer to God and he gave me a peace that I can’t explain. I knew that my cries and my prayers had not
only awoken the Master but they had reached him as well and he gave me
assurance that he was still in control.
As we sat there this morning I was just in awe at how God works things
out. It seems from the beginning when we made a commitment to God for this
adoption and to the ministry helping handle it, we have been met with some type
of opposition. But we just kept on pressing
toward the mark and when each person stood this morning giving their personal
assessment of us, our hearts were truly humbled by their words. Not only that we could feel the people out
there praying for us and we could feel God with us. Finally the Judge looked up and said I
approve this adoption! Kathy and I took
each other in our arms and we just burst into tears of GREAT JOY!!! OH YEAH it was right then that he prepared a
table before us in the presence of our enemies and he anointed out heads with
oil and our cups ran over. We both
grabbed “H” and hugged him so very tight and I knelt and told him that we were
now his Daddy and Momma and he was our son.
He is no longer an orphan, grace
showed up with mercy and we were able to finalize the adoption of him into our
family. Just like God did me one day and
he showed up with Grace and Mercy and made me one of his children. But just like “H” had to say he accepted us
as his parents, I had to do the same when I accepted God and His Son Jesus Christ.
See God is still showing me so much through this adoption journey and
even at home in our Grandchildren, I am now starting to see how we are to be to
God, and how much God’s heart fills with love and pride when we crawl to him
like a small child wanting up in his lap.
That is just what this ole boy did today, I crawled up in God's lap and gave him a hug and
just sat there crying from pure joy and adoration. Why because my cries awoke the master and I have lifted my hand and rejoiced!
This is our picture outside the court house after the adoption approval, the young lady with us is the social worker.
Monday, June 10, 2013
Day 28 of our adoption journey
Tomorrow is the 2nd
session of our adoption court hearing.
The district we are in requires two so currently we are about 15 days
behind our initial schedule. We honestly
figured we would have had court in May and by now we would be in nearing our
departure date but we are still here.
But all in all we have made many friends here and it is going to be hard
to say good bye, but we will be able to stay in touch through email and written
correspondence and for that we are truly thankful. The director social worker at the facility
has been so wonderful to us and has worked with us very closely for 3 weeks now
and we would not be as far with “H” right now if she had not been there to help
us and guide us. One of his teachers came
and worked with us one day to teach us how to help him make certain sounds
which was absolutely wonderful.
As we face tomorrow I am reminded
of a verse “If any man serve me, let him
follow me; and where I am, there shall also my servant be: if any man serve me,
him will my Father honor” (John 12:26 KJV).
I know there have been times doubt has crept in but I also know that God
honors his servants so I plan on coming out tomorrow with a favorable
answer. I know with each step of the
process we have been through there is a wait.
Sometimes those waits can be difficult, but if we can use the time in
devotion and prayer and we are learning each day just how much God is working
in our life. He has been showing us this
each day in our time of devotion and prayer.
Each day we have with “H” and the
others at the facility are just absolutely a wonderful blessing because they
are all like one huge family and treat each other as so. And the teachers and overseers I believe have
a special bond and attachment to each of the children here because they all
seem to just love each and every one of them and the children reciprocate that
respect and love back. We are truly
thankful that “H” has had this kind of an environment and support group around
him. Above all “H” has already been
taught communication skills and that is something we were afraid that he might
not have. So when we learned about the
facility he was in we were just overjoyed.
And today God gave us another fantastic day with “H” and he finally mastered
all of the signs for the ABC’s and his numbers in the ASL (American Sign
Language). He is so proud of himself and
each day he ask if when we are going to get him and take him home. He knows we see the Judge tomorrow and I am
hoping he understands this will be the final session and hopefully we will soon
get to go and get him and take him home.
Picture of the day.
Sunday, June 9, 2013
Day 27 of our adoption journey
Cannot believe it has been 27 days
already and we still have our last session of court coming up Tuesday. The two other couples we came with have
already and their court and have gone home until the 10 day wait is over. So Kathy and I are way behind because of the
area we are in and some of their requirements and policies. But we are still trusting God that everything
will continue to be favorable and we will get to take this young man home with
us very soon.
This morning we were trying to
catch Bro. Hamm’s message from last week at the Gardendale Baptist Church and
the scripture he was using was from Luke chapter 19. And his topic was HIS Mission, Our
Mission. What he was saying is why are
we here and why are they sending many teams to different parts of the
world. Because Christ said, I come to
seek and to save that which was lost.
That is his mission and every born again Christian should have the same
mission. We are here hoping to make a
difference in one child’s life, what are you doing? We are here and we do not speak the language
but that did not hinder us, so what are you doing? What is your excuse?
From the time we started this
process we have had so many people ask us are you sure about this? Or why would
you want to do this now when you have raised 5 children already and are wanting
to start with another one. My answer to
them is what I said to God. “Yes.” You
know that is all it takes to do God’s will, just say “Yes.” Yes to make a difference somewhere, yes to
make a difference in someone’s life, you just never know where God’s will might
just take you, but remember it is his Grace that will take you through it. Yes sometime it is inconvenient but hey, I
have gotten a lot of personal devotion, meditation and prayer time in since we
have been here. And I am truly thankful for that because the last four and half
years I have been in Seminary and much of my free time was devoted to my course
work and the rest was devoted to my sermon study.
Today was a GREAT day with “H” he
has learned all of the ABC in ASL (American Sign Language) by heart and can
recall them by memory and by sight of the letter in either case. The only one that is still giving him trouble
and that can be for anyone is the upper case I and the lower case L in many fonts they look the same so we are
working on that one. Not only that he
has learned to write them as well, there is an older student there at the
facility with “H” that has been working with him and you can tell it. And today he was very proud of himself and because
of it he got extra gaming time because I was glad to reward him for his hard
work. Please continue to follow our
saga and also keep us in your thoughts and prayers that we will get a favorable
judgment Tuesday. There are others here
as well who need your prayers also God knows who there are.
Here is the Picture of the Day
Saturday, June 8, 2013
Day 26 of our adoption journey
I did not make a post yesterday
because when Kathy and I arrived back at the hotel we both just needed to
rest. Sometimes the body tells you when
is really needs to rest and ours did yesterday afternoon. However, we did find
two great movies to watch yesterday, one about a young boy who was deaf the
second was about a girl who was also deaf. Two great movies that we enjoyed greatly.
Do you really know how good GOD IS? Well listen to what happened to us today. Remember earlier this week a scripture I used was “Call unto me, and I will answer thee, and shew thee great and mighty things, which thou knowest not” (Jer 33:3 KJV). And then “Humble yourselves therefore under the mighty hand of God, that he may exalt you in due time: Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you (1 Peter 5:6-7 KJV). Well just let me tell you how good GOD IS! We have been trying to find some crayons for “H”, we were able to find some felt tip markers but we were hoping to find some plain crayons. So this morning after I finished my devotion and study time, I was praying and I ask God two simple requests: First I asked him to help me get some crayons for “H” and second if he would help me teach “H” who God Is. As we arrived at the facility today, there was a white van pulled up and three people got out, two men and a woman. The Director at the facility told us they were Americans. Turns out one of the guys was the pastor of the Calvary Church in this States, another man was also in a ministry with him and so was another young woman. And they came today to share the word of God with the Children in this facility. The young Pastor was also a professional interpreter and proficient in both the Sign Language that “H” knows and the ASL (American Sign Language).
You see God does not do things like we would think
but, He does things His way and all we are to do is just what he asks us to
do. He takes cares of the details and he
satisfies the needs of many in the process, even if it is just a small box of
crayons. Well I must say the visit today
was not only wonderful and great but very spiritual as well. Why?
Because God answered the prayer of a servant. “H” and the other children really soaked up
every word these people were sharing with them and in the process I learned how
to share God with my soon to be son!!!! In the infamous words of Rev. Billy
Burtram “Ain’t God Good! All The
Sorry no picture today.
Do you really know how good GOD IS? Well listen to what happened to us today. Remember earlier this week a scripture I used was “Call unto me, and I will answer thee, and shew thee great and mighty things, which thou knowest not” (Jer 33:3 KJV). And then “Humble yourselves therefore under the mighty hand of God, that he may exalt you in due time: Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you (1 Peter 5:6-7 KJV). Well just let me tell you how good GOD IS! We have been trying to find some crayons for “H”, we were able to find some felt tip markers but we were hoping to find some plain crayons. So this morning after I finished my devotion and study time, I was praying and I ask God two simple requests: First I asked him to help me get some crayons for “H” and second if he would help me teach “H” who God Is. As we arrived at the facility today, there was a white van pulled up and three people got out, two men and a woman. The Director at the facility told us they were Americans. Turns out one of the guys was the pastor of the Calvary Church in this States, another man was also in a ministry with him and so was another young woman. And they came today to share the word of God with the Children in this facility. The young Pastor was also a professional interpreter and proficient in both the Sign Language that “H” knows and the ASL (American Sign Language).
After he finished the story of Noah and the tower of
Babel they gave the children gifts and when “H” opened his gift he found of all
things CRAYONS!!!!! Now as the 23rd Psalms states “He anointed my head with oil, my cup runneth
over.” Let me just tell you when I
saw those crayons my cup just filled up completely and has been running over
ever since. Tears filled my eyes and the Pastor asked me what was wrong and I
shared with him my prayer request. It was just simple crayons to the others but
to me it was an anointment and confirmation that God hears our prayers. The pastor told me they have been trying to
get here for quite some time but because of one set back or another they had
not be able to make it. And not only
that, but for the past couple of days he they have been fought against to
come. But they continued to pray that
God would bless this trip and today they found out why.
Thursday, June 6, 2013
Day 24 of our adoption journey
If you are honest with yourself, others and God there have been times
you have actually wondered what God was up to in your life during various
situations and such. We all have had
those thoughts and when God finally revealed to us what he had done then we
just sit back and kind of drop our jaw in disbelief. Why? We
just did not see the blessing coming because we already had it worked out for
God and he did it another way that might have seemed to impossible or way to
simple. But if you have done much
studying in the Bible you will find in the book of Isaiah chapter 55 that is
the ways of God. “For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the LORD. For as
the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways,
and my thoughts than your thoughts” (Isaiah 55:8-9 KJV).
Have you ever prayed for something and then got excited like a child at
Christmas in anticipation of what was in the gift that has their name on it? I sure hope so because if you think about it
that is exactly what it is like sometimes when God answers our prayers. We just need to turn I over to him and like I
mentioned earlier this week “Stand still and the see the salvation of God.” Do you think the three Hebrew men knew that
God was going to meet them in the fire? No but he did. Do you know the Children of Israel knew God
was going to split the Red Sea for them to pass through safely to the other
side and use the same miracle to destroy their enemy? Do but he did. And do you think that Daniel knew God was send
his angel and shut the lion’s mouth that night in he was cast into the lion’s
den? No but he did. Why? Because “His thoughts are not
your thoughts, neither are your
ways his ways.” Now that is something you can write home about.
Don’t you just love it when God puts someone in your path to help you
when you don’t even expect it? Well
today that happened for Kathy and me. We
had gone down to order our dinner and was trying to communicate with the
waitress. We had put several meal words,
categories and such into MS Word and had them translated into the language of
the Eastern European country we are in.
And she was trying to tell us what they had and did not have well, of
all days there was a gentleman that was bilingual in the restaurant and his
second language was English. And he was
a native of this country. We offered a
couple of suggestion and let me tell you they were SO Delicious. Because since we arrived here we have wanted
to try as wide of a variety of the food as we possibly could. So with the help of this person God put in our path today we were able to enjoy a native dishes of fried pork. Believe me it was so good and had caramelized onions and garlic along with other spices, and an overall nice change and very delicious and satisfying dinner. This person sat and talked with us for about 30 or 40
minutes and was just generally a very nice person. I sure hope we see him again before we leave.
We have been working on some of the words to use such as Thank you,
Good Day, Good By and Delicious. The
people here are also helping us and they think it is very nice that we are
trying to speak their language. I have
told some that while “H” may not be able to speak it he can read it so I am
working on that one as well with the
aid of a Good English to other language dictionary and also a couple of apps
loaded on my Android pad. We are
making it with the help of God and then there are those time his just totally
surprises us and puts an English speaking person in our path. The more I am with the people here the more I like them and enjoy being with them. And
the more I serve God the more he just totally amazes and blesses me and I just want to serve him all the more.
Today was a very good day and I am thankful to have been a part of it
and that God allowed me to see it start and finally see the sun set in the
west. Also today he gave us a good day
with “H”. The person who has been
helping us was with us again today. She
is helping us more that she even realizes because we are learning more each day
how to help “H” transition from his current language and Sign language to the
English words and the American Sign Language.
He has pretty much memorized the letters and the signs but there are two
he is still having a problem with but the reason the signed letters he
currently uses are just like two of the ASL signed letters but they are total
opposite. So today we worked on those
more and showed him the differences in them. So to end the learning session
today we started him on the signed numbers.
He is learning very fast and we are so very pleased but then God is
still in control and he is helping “H” even when “H” does not even realize it
yet. But we do because we have been
asking God to help him and to help us.
This is picture of the Day, but I want to you notice the bottom picture observe it closely. Do you see it? You may have to look very hard to see it but you will, but just to give you a little help, Kathy calls me a Geek. But just look, she has and Android pad in her hand, an Android Phone on her lap and a second cell phone and neither of them are mine. And she calls me a Geek, well it would appear this Geek has rubbed off on his wife because she has all of the classic characteristic of a Geek based on this picture. Love ya Babe!
Wednesday, June 5, 2013
Day 23 of our adoption journey
This morning while Kathy was going through her
Facebook friend’s one of them posted a scripture from Mathew 6:34. As we were reading it this morning and looking at the various versions
and commentaries loaded on the laptop this is the version that really brought
it home for us. “Therefore
do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own” (Matthew
6:34 NIV). I really like the interpretation of the NIV,
many times my life have I have heard people say, do not worry about tomorrow let
tomorrow take care of itself! And who
all will never forget that famous line by Scarlett O’Hara in Gone With the
Wind, “I will not think about that today, I will think about that tomorrow,
after all tomorrow is another day.” And
who can forget the song from Little Orphan Annie, the sun will come out
tomorrow, bet your bottom dollar there will be sun.
Ready to give up the fight
weary and tired of carrying the load.
I know there's nothing more I can do or say
then God says just give it to me.
Then I whisper a prayer that only he hears
and I rest peacefully.
I can't help but wonder just when they will end.
I know I'm supposed to be strong
but sometimes I don't think I'll ever win.
That's when he tells me you walk without me
but in my strength alone.
And when I began to trust more in him
It really makes no difference
just that prayer is the key.
Cause prayer changes things and it changes me.
Kathy and I are learning this
every day. We discuss various verses and
what God is showing us in them and how God has worked so wondrously in our
lives. Two years ago if you had told me
I would be in Eastern Europe now, I would have said, you have no idea what you
are saying but look at us we are here.
Granted it is taking a lot longer than it normally does but here we are
and it has been God that has lead us every step of the way. And each day we get to spend with “H” is just
absolutely wonderful and each day we are bonding with him more and more. Now we are beginning to see him reciprocate
our love, today he came in and hugged each us and kissed us both on the
cheek. WOW he really knows how to butter
us up! Today he also surprised us when we went over his Alphabet, he knew
almost every one of them from memory! He
is getting there and we are still working and with him and praying the
transition will be smooth. But like “H”
momma and daddy are having to learn his sign language as well so we can help
him transition to ours.
These are great lines we all
remember and repeat from time to time; however, we need to remember the words
of Christ when he said don’t worry about tomorrow, why? God is already
there. God is there yesterday, today and
tomorrow. What we need to do is trust and
pray, and cast our cares on Him. As I
have been saying God has been teaching me many things lately but one of them is
that I need to TRUST HIM and CAST ALL MY CARES ON HIM. And the next thing is learning to wait on God
because in his time and in his will he will handle our petitions. It may not be like we want but it will be
according to his will. What we have to do
is pray about it and praying is something we can do anytime, where and way. The McKameys recorded a song a few years back
called “Prayer Changes Me.” I have
located the lyrics and I am going to add them here.
Prayer Changes Me
awake at night
of things beyond my control.Ready to give up the fight
weary and tired of carrying the load.
I know there's nothing more I can do or say
then God says just give it to me.
Then I whisper a prayer that only he hears
and I rest peacefully.
somedays seems so longI can't help but wonder just when they will end.
I know I'm supposed to be strong
but sometimes I don't think I'll ever win.
That's when he tells me you walk without me
but in my strength alone.
And when I began to trust more in him
can sing a song.
can pray out loud, or silently.
can pray standing tall or on my knees.It really makes no difference
just that prayer is the key.
Cause prayer changes things and it changes me.
If you carefully read the words
of this song you will see this is exactly what God wants from us, to TRUST in
HIM! If we set aside 1 hour a day to worry
about our problems what does that hour accomplish? NOT ONE THING! NADA! NOTHING! But when we cast all our cares upon him he
will handle them. What we are to do is take
our fears, doubts and cares to him in Prayer and by doing so, the prayers we pray being to change us
through him.
Please stay with us as our
adoptions saga continues and as always please keep us in your thoughts and in
your prayers.
Rev. Ben &
Kathy Dailey
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