Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Day 29 of our adoption journey

Last night was a very restless one for us, because our final court for the adoption was today.  Each time I would awaken I would pray and last night before we went to bed we got to listen to Ken Davis’ video on Just Live.  And there was a statement he made in the video that caught my attention he said, “Those who have faith are those who have moved through doubt to faith.”  WOW that was for me, so all through the night I continued to pray for God to let me not lose faith, over and over.  This morning when I got up there was a song that came to my mind.  I know it was the spirit of God because the title of it is “YOUR CRIES HAVE AWOKEN THE MASTER” and the chorus goes like this. “BECAUSE YOU'VE PRAYED ALL NIGHT, CAUSE YOU'VE HELD ON WITH ALL OF YOUR MIGHT, CHILD YOUR CRIES HAVE AWOKEN THE MASTER.  OH HE KNOWS YOUR VOICE, LIFT YOUR HANDS IT'S TIME TO REJOICE, CHILD YOUR CRIES HAVE AWOKEN THE MASTER.” 
Let me just tell you that is exactly how I felt this morning, that I had cried all night long in prayer with God.  And this morning I had my devotion and I knelt in prayer to God and he gave me a peace that I can’t explain.  I knew that my cries and my prayers had not only awoken the Master but they had reached him as well and he gave me assurance that he was still in control.  As we sat there this morning I was just in awe at how God works things out. It seems from the beginning when we made a commitment to God for this adoption and to the ministry helping handle it, we have been met with some type of opposition.  But we just kept on pressing toward the mark and when each person stood this morning giving their personal assessment of us, our hearts were truly humbled by their words.  Not only that we could feel the people out there praying for us and we could feel God with us.  Finally the Judge looked up and said I approve this adoption!  Kathy and I took each other in our arms and we just burst into tears of GREAT JOY!!!  OH YEAH it was right then that he prepared a table before us in the presence of our enemies and he anointed out heads with oil and our cups ran over.   We both grabbed “H” and hugged him so very tight and I knelt and told him that we were now his Daddy and Momma and he was our son. 
He is no longer an orphan, grace showed up with mercy and we were able to finalize the adoption of him into our family.  Just like God did me one day and he showed up with Grace and Mercy and made me one of his children.  But just like “H” had to say he accepted us as his parents, I had to do the same when I accepted God and His Son Jesus Christ.  See God is still showing me so much through this adoption journey and even at home in our Grandchildren, I am now starting to see how we are to be to God, and how much God’s heart fills with love and pride when we crawl to him like a small child wanting up in his lap.  That is just what this ole boy did today, I crawled up in God's lap and gave him a hug and just sat there crying from pure joy and adoration.  Why because my cries awoke the master and I have lifted my hand and rejoiced!
This is our picture outside the court house after the adoption approval, the young lady with us is the social worker.


CAH said...

Thank you God for getting your family through this trial. I remembered this was THE DAY so prayed for you at morning mass. God is good.
Thank you for this blog. It is beautifully written and inspiring. Looks like you'll be through your 10 day wait and on your way home before we travel. (Our dossier is submitted but we pushed back our travel date).
You made an earlier post that you hoped your blog did some good. It has. No promises but we are considering picking up a 2nd deaf child referral. Your blog reminded us of the many special need children who won't get parents.

Rev. Ben Dailey said...


When did you push your travel date back to? And If you have a blog please let me know so we can follow you as well and keep you and your family in our prayers. We will be your prayer warrior if you need us to be. And we THANK YOU so much for your Prayers. We know God heard them.

CAH said...

Ben, I don't have a blog yet. I'm going to create one but haven't yet. I didn't think anyone would be interested in reading about us waiting...waiting...waiting and I don't know what to write other than we're waiting.
Interesting that you offer to pray for us. I've been praying for H. to find a family. I know what country you're in because he was offered to our family to adopt 3 years ago when we were adopting our son Max. We had already finished court with Max and were back in country after our 10 day wait when I was asked if we wanted to adopt another deaf boy. (we had a 2nd dossier). It was H. and we said no. We had our hands full with our son who had other unexpected issues besides deaf. I never forgot H. I was wondering last year if God would send us back for him, even though I never felt like he was our son, but then you stepped up. Prayers Answered.
And even though my prayers were answered for H.(I thought I was off the adoption hook). God called us to orphan host and now we're caught up in another adoption.

rosedel said...

Congratulations to all of you! And to H's new brothers and sisters and the rest of the American family. I keep you in my prayers and read your posts even if I don't comment.

And Colleen, I'll add you and your family to my prayers.

Rev. Ben Dailey said...

rosedel, Thanks so much for the comment and the prayers. We cherish them and look forward any and all comments.