These are great lines we all
remember and repeat from time to time; however, we need to remember the words
of Christ when he said don’t worry about tomorrow, why? God is already
there. God is there yesterday, today and
tomorrow. What we need to do is trust and
pray, and cast our cares on Him. As I
have been saying God has been teaching me many things lately but one of them is
that I need to TRUST HIM and CAST ALL MY CARES ON HIM. And the next thing is learning to wait on God
because in his time and in his will he will handle our petitions. It may not be like we want but it will be
according to his will. What we have to do
is pray about it and praying is something we can do anytime, where and way. The McKameys recorded a song a few years back
called “Prayer Changes Me.” I have
located the lyrics and I am going to add them here.
Prayer Changes Me
awake at night
of things beyond my control.Ready to give up the fight
weary and tired of carrying the load.
I know there's nothing more I can do or say
then God says just give it to me.
Then I whisper a prayer that only he hears
and I rest peacefully.
somedays seems so longI can't help but wonder just when they will end.
I know I'm supposed to be strong
but sometimes I don't think I'll ever win.
That's when he tells me you walk without me
but in my strength alone.
And when I began to trust more in him
can sing a song.
can pray out loud, or silently.
can pray standing tall or on my knees.It really makes no difference
just that prayer is the key.
Cause prayer changes things and it changes me.
If you carefully read the words
of this song you will see this is exactly what God wants from us, to TRUST in
HIM! If we set aside 1 hour a day to worry
about our problems what does that hour accomplish? NOT ONE THING! NADA! NOTHING! But when we cast all our cares upon him he
will handle them. What we are to do is take
our fears, doubts and cares to him in Prayer and by doing so, the prayers we pray being to change us
through him.
Please stay with us as our
adoptions saga continues and as always please keep us in your thoughts and in
your prayers.
Rev. Ben &
Kathy Dailey
Maybe your there so long because you're "breaking ground" for another adopting family who can't stay overseas for as long. Someone's adoption would fail and a child given hope and then abandoned because the next family would have to leave for one reason or another. Maybe God chose you to stay so the next adoption gets completed. It might not be what you want now but in 6 months you may hear of a family that adopted from the same orphanage and got in and out quick. And you'll wonder why and then learn that they had 3 little kids they left at home while they traveled. I've been following Reecesrainbow adoptions for awhile and I've seen this happen. God may have chosen you
for this cross because He knows you have a strong spirit and can carry it, whereas someone else is at their limit just getting overseas. Keep the faith, I am rooting for TeamGod.
That was me that deleted the top comment. I tried to edit after I published and it wouldn't let me so I copied and rewrote it -and it's still not worded well : )
As a side note a few years ago, we adopted a child via Reecesrainbow. Back then I had an adoption blog and I really enjoyed reading comments on my posts. It was one of the things that eased our adoption trials. Special need older child adoption from a foreign country is difficult. There aren't many souls willing to take a drink from That Cup. Your community is blessed to know you.
We are still praying for you.
Thank you so much for the words of encouragement. I found a small ship 13 years ago that had the following written on the sail "The Will of God will never take you where His Grace can't keep you." I have that on my desk in my home office. I look at it many times a week and am still amazed at how God continues to work in our lives. But I have to remember what God Word tells us in Isaiah 55:8-9 "For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the Lord. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts."
I am just a servant of God trying to do what he has asked me to do. Because If he brings me to it I know he will take me through it.
Beautiful words, well said. I wish I had the way of the Words of God that you have. Your blog is very easy to read and interesting. I like that you're teaching him American sign in country. We didn't do that when we adopted. That's a good idea.
I'm reminded of the Hymn, 'Trust and Obey' when I read this post. Thanks for sharing.
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