Sunday, June 2, 2013

Day 20 of our adoption journey.

This morning was our third Sunday we were not at our church and I will tell you I REALLY MISS IT. But Kathy and I had church here this morning, and we had an added bonus this morning because we were able hear the sermon from last week at Gardendale First Baptist Church. It was not Dr. Hamm delivering the sermon but we really enjoy the speaker none the less. And then we sat and listen to some good Southern Gospel Music and just enjoyed the time and our study in God’s Word. As I stood at the window just listening a song came on I really enjoy listening to because it has a great message. It is based on Luke 4:35-41 and there is one line that says “Master, carest thou not that we perish.” And the name of the song is “Your cries have awaken the Master.”

This is one of my favorite scriptures because while Christ was here on earth he took on the body of a human man and being so he experienced the same exhaustion and tiredness we do. However he was asleep in the stern of the boat, but today we know he is standing at the right hand of God and he is not asleep and hears whenever we call. But sometimes we need to continue in our prayer request and petition to God every day. What a sweet consolation we all have in that.

Again today we had a great visit with “H” and he is making progress, while it is slow he is still making progress and we are so glad for the time we are getting to spend with him. We are forming such a bond with this young man that is so hard to say good bye when 5:00 PM comes around. Today after he left to eat he ran back to see if we were still awaiting on our Taxi. Seeing we were he came over to us again and did not want us to leave. When the Taxi finally arrived I am not sure but I think “H” was trying to get the driver to wait a little while. He stood there watching as we left and I will tell you it was like ripping out our hearts having to leave him behind. Dear Heavenly Father how I pray and long for the day when we can go there and get him once and for all as part of our family.

We ask you to continue to remember us in your prayers each day because Tuesday June 4th is our court date and we are praying that we can get everything accomplished Tuesday but most of all for a favorable decision. Remember to walk by faith and not by sight casting all your cares on God. Again this is our picture of the day.


rosedel said...

I just wanted to let you know that I am enjoying your blog. I am praying for you and Harrison.

Rev. Ben Dailey said...


Thank you so much we do appreciate your prayers and we are also praying that God can use this blog to help others.