Thursday, June 13, 2013

Day 31 of our adoption journey

Yesterday was another day when we got back to the hotel we were just completely exhausted, the kids are now at a camp which is just outside of the town we are currently in.  Today we when we arrived we just had some fun playing with all the children.  There are children here from all over and they are so fascinated with the Americans.  We are trying to figure out if they are fascinated because we are one of the three: 1) Americans, 2) Overweight, 3) old.  We are hoping it is just number 1.  But they are all so wonderful. 

This morning as we sat drinking our morning cup of coffee, we were listening to several of our favorite Southern Gospel groups.  And the McKameys started it out with “Prayer Changes Things,” followed up by the Primitive’s.  Now for me anything those boy’s sing is just fine with me, but there are a couple that really touch me and “We Are So Blessed,” “Walking in the Highway,” and finally “God’s only Son.”  The last one has a line in it that I really like, “Well who can it be that speaks in a voice I understand, it’s God’s only son the Prince of Peace.”  I really like that because he speaks sweet peace to men and when he speaks the storms of life are calmed. 

Today we had another GREAT time with “H”.  We purchased some outfits for him before we left hoping they would fit.  Today he tried on the pants and they fit GREAT, the shoes we donated to the facility for another child to use.  Each day we are with “H” now he reminds me of how many days left until we can get him and start our journey home.  That tells us just how excited he is to finally see his new home and Momma and Daddy are also missing it quite a lot as well.  Today we have been here for 31 days.  Was hoping to have been about ready to travel home but right now we are 1 ½ weeks behind the others who came with us. 

This afternoon when Kathy and I arrived back in town we purchased “H” another pair of shoes that are bigger.  The ones we just purchased fit but were very tight.  Also we met a young man who is a camp counselor and a teacher in the village where we are staying right now.  He told us of a pizza place that is right outside the Train Depot.  So today when we got off of the bus, we made our way to pizza place.  Please believe me when I tell you it was absolutely wonderful.  And for a whole pizza and a large soft drink our bill in US currency came to $5.91.  CAN YOU BELIEVE THAT!!!!  Again God placed someone in our path to help us along the way, so please don’t think it is just a chance meeting, if you are a child of God nothing is by chance it is always a meeting through God’s divine will and intervention.

Our picture of the day.

This is the picture of our Pizza tonight and it was WONDERFUL!!!

1 comment:

CAH said...

That looks as American as you will can get!