Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Day 36 of our adoption journey

It was one week ago today we had our final adoption court hearing, we are just in the mandatory waiting period before we can pick up the paper work and start getting things done to go home.  We are counting down the days until we can finally take “H” from the facility and begin the process of getting paper work done with the U.S. Embassy so we and “H” can finally go home.  That little guy sure does have his Daddy and his Momma wrapped.  I told Kathy today you know we are going to have to be careful or we are going to spoil this young man absolutely rotten.  Momma’s reply is well spoiling in moderation is ok, and I have to agree.  We can discipline our children but they are blessings and this young man has not had the love of a momma and daddy that he has needed so we have much lost time to make up for. 

Each day we are with him he reminds us of how many days until we can take him and start for home.  Also we have already began the process of showing him pictures of his brothers and sisters, brother and sister in laws and the names of each of his nephews and nieces.  Also we have been showing him pictures of his aunts, uncles and cousins and his MawMaw and his PawPaw.  We have given each of his siblings, in laws and his nephew and nieces each a sign that he remembers when we show him a picture of them.  Each day that passes now we know we are closer to the day we can go and get him and begin the journey that will finally take us home. 

That is the same thing we as children of God do, we know the day is coming when Christ will return and take us home to be with him.  Except we don’t know the day or the hour but we are to always be watchful just as “H” is doing with us.  Each day he looks for us and when our little guy sees his Momma and Daddy he comes running and I get down on my knee and open my arms wide getting ready to receive my son into my arms of Love.  That is how God does me when I run to him, he gets down on his knee and opens his arms ready to receive me and give me a great be hug.  Why? “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life” (John 3:16 KJV).   He sacrificed more so that you and I could have everlasting life. 

“H” it won’t me long now, just hang on my son a few more days until momma and daddy comes to get you so we can begin our journey home.  I can’t wait to get you home and let you meet your family and all of those who have helped make this possible. 

Our picture of the day.


rosedel said...

Kathy is right, all things in moderation. The only thing he can't have too much of is love. Hugs, high fives, smiles, laps to sit on and time spent with him. OF course, I'm a big believer in daily chocolate but that is up to you! :)

CAH said...

I second the daily chocolate!
Make the American sign for the letter "C" and rub it in a circle on the back of your hand. That is the sign for chocolate!
My deaf kids taught me that sign early on.